NUGEN Audio is 20!



NUGEN Audio is 20



Somebody better find a pop shield, because this champagne is popping!


NUGEN Audio was founded in 2004, the same year Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook, DreamWorks released Shrek 2, and Greece won the UEFA European Championship.


That’s right, it’s NUGEN Audio’s 20th birthday; we are now old enough to purchase alcohol in Iceland, Lithuania and Thailand. What a world!


But how did we get here? Check out our timeline of audio excellence below…

2004 – NUGEN Audio was founded in Leeds, UK by Dr Paul Tapper, a mathematician and computer game programmer, and Jon Schorah, a drum and bass producer.


2005 – NUGEN’s first plug-ins were released. As of November 2005 this included the original versions of Monofilter, Stereoizer and Stereoplacer, plus an early 5.1 processor called Spatializer.



2006 – The original Visualizer was released, our first foray into audio analysis tools. Stereoizer and Monofilter were included on cover-mounted CDs with Japan’s DTM Magazine and Poland’s Estrada i Studio Magazine, NUGEN was going global!


2008 – NUGEN’s first appearance in Sound On Sound, who still feature us regularly to this day. The start of a beautiful friendship.


2009 – We uploaded our first video demo, ‘Stereo Audio Production Techniques’, to YouTube. Check out that old school GUI! Elsewhere, Spotify opened public registration in the UK, marking the beginning of the music streaming boom.



2010 – The CALM Act was passed by the United States Senate in September 2010, before being signed into law by Barack Obama that December.


2011 – The VisLM loudness meter, LM-Correct quick-fix loudness correction tool, and LMB loudness batch processor were released, establishing NUGEN Audio as a major player in loudness measurement and correction.


2012 – The US Federal Communications Commission began to enforce the CALM Act, encouraging (!) many audio engineers to purchase loudness meters like VisLM. VisLM and LM-Correct were combined with ISL in order to create the Loudness Toolkit.


2014 – We launched MasterCheck, an optimisation tool for music streaming services.

2015 Halo Upmix was released, a revolutionary plug-in that uses machine learning to create natural-sounding, phase-coherent surround mixes from a stereo source. Over the past decade this has become a film industry standard tool.



2016 MasterCheck added codec auditioning, a truly game changing feature allowing users to hear ahead of time how streaming codecs will affect the sound of a track. The 3D extension was introduced for Halo Upmix, allowing users to upmix to even higher channel counts and Ambisonic formats.


2018 – We worked alongside Netflix in order to support their Sound Mix Specifications & Best Practices document; VisLM became the world’s first loudness meter to support Dialog LRA measurement, and all three Loudness Toolkit products added support for 7.1.2 channels.


2019 – NUGEN Audio earned an official trademark in China, allowing greater control over the brandname. Our Product Specialist Freddy Vinehill-Cliffe appeared at the University of York as part of the AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio, the first of many academic speaking engagements.


2020 Paragon was launched, a reverb implementing state-of-the-art resynthesis for flexibility and control never before seen in a convolution reverb. This was the world’s first immersive convolution reverb, supporting 7.1.2 channels upon release.


2022 – We launched Halo Vision, an immersive analysis suite building upon ideas from Visualizer, as well as extensive market research interviews with some of our most trusted and respected peers in the audio industry.



2024 – Today, NUGEN Audio has a formidable product lineup, stretching beyond those mentioned in this timeline. We continue to support audio education with an across-the-board EDU scheme and ongoing appearances at guest lectures and careers events at various universities. We continue to innovate, and we present new developments at multiple trade shows and audio conventions every year.

To celebrate 20 years of audio excellence, we’re offering 20% off everything until 17 October. Here’s to the next 20 years!

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